
Solid Gold

These are the folks. Fred and Ginger. You can tell where I get my sass.

Fridays are open dance night at the seniors lounge at the Mouse Lodge. That's where Fred and Ginger have been going for the past three weeks to practice what they have learned in their ballroom dancing lesson on Tuesday. Yesterday she was complaining that they hadn't yet made it across the entire dance floor doing the Fox Trott, Dad keeps stopping when he forgets one of the turns and the whole class is at the other end of the dance floor and they are stuck there waiting for the instructor. She says no one wants to dance with them. They're the ICKY couple who can't do it right.

Today Mom was getting ready for her day and had just seen on the home shopping network some gal had layered tons of dangly bracelets in various styles.. Mom had just purchased some of the same, she knew she was en Vogue. She stopped what she was doing to go layer her bangles on. Hair poofed, heels on, skirt swaying at her ankles, dangles on her wrists, jewels a-glittering and she was admiring her bedazzled wrist when she tripped over a cord on the living room floor and was catapulted through the doorway and onto the hardwood floors of the kitchen, head first on her belly into the kitchen barstools. She said she skinned both knees, hit her head on the stools, rolled over and crushed her shoulder and her arm against the kitchen island. She crawled for the phone to call Dad, she was certain she had broken her arm. Dad called Debbie.. her office is just off the kitchen, he hoped she could go help Mom up off the ground and see what damage was done.

I called in between the call to Dad and Debbie's paramedic arrival. It sounded pretty bad, but I have known my mother to take some colossal falls, so I was waiting for the shock to wear off before I went racing over to help. I got a call about twenty minutes later and Mom had her wits about her and could relate the story to me in all it's glory. Every time she said something, I laughed a little harder. I couldn't help it. She said she was covered in vegetables.. I wondered if she knocked over a vegetable cart? No, frozen veggies in bags, (for the swelling) she corrected me, then added she couldn't let them get too warm, the sweet potatoes were on the menu for dinner. She said her glasses were crooked, they got shoved into her nose on impact. She said her bracelets got bent. It was such a mixture of whining, laughing and absolute irritation at the whole upset of falling down. Her biggest worry.. she was afraid it might affect her dance performance this evening!
I told her not to worry, she was Solid.

If you are a huge Solid Gold Dance fan.. you can find all kinds of trivia, pictures and fan-stuff at http://sgdanceconnection.com That is where this photo was obtained.

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